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Suppose I run Korg wit the following parameters.
Like this:
(env) mvh:AttackerSynthesis$ python3 Korg.py --model=demo/TCP/TCP.pml --phi=demo/TCP/phi1.pml --Q=demo/TCP/network.pml --IO=demo/TCP/IO.txt --max_attacks=1 --with_recovery=False --name=experiment1 --characterize=False
ltl exp1: [] ((! ((state[0]==0))) || (! ((state[1]==4))))
pan:1: assertion violated !( !(( !((state[0]==0))|| !((state[1]==4))))) (at depth 36)
pan: wrote experiment1_daisy_check.pml.trail
(Spin Version 6.5.0 -- 17 July 2019)
Warning: Search not completed
+ Partial Order Reduction
Full statespace search for:
never claim + (exp1)
assertion violations + (if within scope of claim)
acceptance cycles + (fairness disabled)
invalid end states - (disabled by never claim)
State-vector 108 byte, depth reached 359, errors: 1
3742 states, stored
7291 states, matched
11033 transitions (= stored+matched)
0 atomic steps
hash conflicts: 2 (resolved)
Stats on memory usage (in Megabytes):
0.485 equivalent memory usage for states (stored*(State-vector + overhead))
0.575 actual memory usage for states
128.000 memory used for hash table (-w24)
0.534 memory used for DFS stack (-m10000)
129.022 total actual memory usage
pan: elapsed time 0.01 seconds
First of all, we can basically ignore the output in the command line. This is just unsuppressed Spin output.
What we are really interested is the output in out/experiment1_False
. Notice the naming scheme is out/$(name)_$(with_recovery)
(env) mvh:AttackerSynthesis$ tree out
└── experiment1_False
└── attacker_0.pml
1 directory, 1 file
Let’s look at attacker_0.pml
/* spin -t -s -r experiment1_daisy_check.pml */
active proctype attacker() {
NtoA ! ACK;
NtoB ! SYN;
NtoB ! ACK;
// Acceptance Cycle part of attack
The first line gives the command that was used to produce the trail file which was interpreted in order to synthesize this attacker. The rest of the lines give us the attacker()
process, which, in order:
over NtoA
over NtoB
over BtoN
over NtoB
So, as a process, the attacker looks something like this.
NtoA ! ACK NtoB ! SYN
---> ( s_0 ) ------------> ( s_ 1) -------------> ( s_3 )
| BtoN ? SYN_ACK
NtoB ! ACK V
( s_5 ) <------------- ( s_4 )
Note that this attacker has a trivial acceptance cycle. But we can also make an attacker with a non-trivial acceptance cycle, like so.
python3 Korg.py –model=demo/TCP/TCP.pml –phi=demo/TCP/phi2.pml –Q=demo/TCP/network.pml –IO=demo/TCP/IO.txt –max_attacks=3 –with_recovery=False –name=experiment2 –characterize=False
Inspecting experiment2_False/attacker_2.pml
, I see:
/* spin -t2 -s -r experiment2_daisy_check.pml */
active proctype attacker() {
NtoA ! ACK;
NtoB ! ACK;
// Acceptance Cycle part of attack
BtoN ? SYN;
Clearly this attacker has a non-trivial acceptance cycle (again, using the paper’s notation for the channels for my figure below):
NtoA ! ACK NtoB ! ACK
----> ( s_0 ) ------------> ( s_1 ) -----------> ( s_3 ) -----
^ |
| | BtoN ? SYN
\_______ _________________/
This is the non-trivial acceptance
Running the code with --characterize=True
does everything that Korg would do with --characterize=False
, plus it saves the artifacts and writes a log file. This is best explained via an example. Suppose I run the following.
python3 Korg.py –model=demo/TCP/TCP.pml –phi=demo/TCP/phi2.pml –Q=demo/TCP/network.pml –IO=demo/TCP/IO.txt –max_attacks=3 –with_recovery=True –name=experiment2 –characterize=True
So, I am running the same experiment as I did immediately previously, except with recovery, and with --characterize=True
. Then in out/experiment2_True/
, I find the following.
(env) mvh:AttackerSynthesis$ tree out/experiment2_True/
├── artifacts
│  ├── attacker_0_WITH_RECOVERY_A.pml
│  ├── attacker_0_WITH_RECOVERY_E.pml
│  ├── attacker_1_WITH_RECOVERY_A.pml
│  ├── attacker_1_WITH_RECOVERY_E.pml
│  ├── attacker_2_WITH_RECOVERY_A.pml
│  └── attacker_2_WITH_RECOVERY_E.pml
├── attacker_0_WITH_RECOVERY.pml
├── attacker_1_WITH_RECOVERY.pml
├── attacker_2_WITH_RECOVERY.pml
└── log.txt
That’s a lot of files! Let’s go over what each of them is, exactly.
is the first synthesized attacker, out of 3. Obviously attacker_1_WITH_RECOVERY.pml
is the second, and attacker_2_WITH_RECOVERY.pml
is the third.
in order to get more than one distinct attacker. The problem arises from non-determinism in P
, or, in this case, TCP.pml
. This is a comma-separated-value (CSV) text file following the format model,A/E,with_recovery?
. So, column 1 gives the name of the attacker model (e.g., attacker_0_WITH_RECOVERY.pml
); column 2 says A-attack
if it is a ∀-attacker, E-attack
if it is an ∃-attacker, or NOT AN ATTACK
if somehow the code made a mistake (which should not happen … so if this does happen, please file an issue in the Issue Tracker); and column 3 says True
iff it is an attacker with recovery, or False
reports no violations or acceptance cycles when run with spin -run -a
, if and only if attacker_0_WITH_RECOVERY.pml
is a ∀-attacker. Otherwise, it reports one or more violations or acceptance cycles.
Inspecting this file is a good way for you to understand how we check this. The basic idea is to see if P
composed with attacker
satisfies the negation of phi
Likewise, artifacts/attacker_1_WITH_RECOVERY_A.pml
serves the same purpose for attacker_1_WITH_RECOVERY.pml
, and, artifacts/attacker_2_WITH_RECOVERY_A.pml
serves the same puspose for attacker_2_WITH_RECOVERY.pml
reports at least one violation or acceptance cycle iff attacker_0_WITH_RECOVERY.pml
is an attacker. So:
spin -run -a artifacts/attacker_0_WITH_RECOVERY_E.pml
reports at least one violation or acceptance cycle, and spin -run -a artifacts/attacker_0_WITH_RECOVERY_A.pml
does not, then attacker_0_WITH_RECOVERY.pml
is a ∀-attacker;attacker_0_WITH_RECOVERY.pml
is an ∃-attacker;spin -run -a artifacts/attacker_0_WITH_RECOVERY_E.pml
reports no violation or acceptance cycle, but spin -run -a artifacts/attacker_0_WITH_RECOVERY_A.pml
reports at least one violation or acceptance cycle, then there is something very very wrong with the code, and you should submit the inputs and outputs for us to inspect on the Issue Tracker.artifacts/attacker_$n_WITH_RECOVERY_E.pml
and artifacts_attacker_$n_WITH_RECOVERY_A.pml
serve the same respective purposes for the attacker attacker_$n_WITH_RECOVERY.pml
, for $n ∈ { 0, 1, 2 }
There is one more thing for us to notice here: Ψ
. In the paper, we take a property Φ
, and we construct a new property Ψ = (F recover) ⇒ Φ
. We use a bit b
to detect recovery in our models, like so:
bit b= 0;
active proctype daisy () {
:: AtoN?ACK;
:: AtoN?FIN;
:: AtoN?SYN;
// etc etc etc
:: break; // recovery to N ...
b = 1;
// N begins here ...
:: AtoN ? SYN ->
:: NtoB ! SYN;
fi unless timeout;
:: BtoN ? SYN ->
:: NtoA ! SYN;
fi unless timeout;
// etc etc etc
:: _nr_pr < 3 -> break;
Then, given a Φ
, for example:
ltl exp2 {
( (always ( eventually ( state[0] == 1 && state[1] == 2 ) ) )
implies ( eventually ( state[0] == 4 ) ) )
… we can construct a Ψ
, as evident at the top-level directory in experiment2_daisy_check.pml
ltl newPhi {
(eventually ( b == 1 ) ) implies
( (always ( eventually ( state[0] == 1 && state[1] == 2 ) ) )
implies ( eventually ( state[0] == 4 ) ) )
) )
However, we do not use this property in our artifacts
, because we know that there must exist a violating run with b == 1
in order for us to get a result in the first place.
If this worries you, you can add the bit b
back in to the attacker before recovery, and run the artifacts with Ψ
, and you should get the expected results.